Antenatal Care
Dr. Seema Mohiuddin provides high-quality, evidence-based antenatal care to pregnant women.
She strictly adheres to Department of Health Guidelines to maintain consistency of care and to improve the experience and outcomes of antenatal care for all families. Antenatal care includes regular medical visits, screening tests, and diagnostic tests to help assess your health status to keep you and your baby in a healthy condition during your pregnancy. Antenatal screening tests such as ultrasound, first trimester and second trimester screening are done to determine whether your baby is at any risk of having any genetic condition such as Down’s syndrome or other abnormalities.
Your first appointment could be as early as 6 weeks of gestation. This will be a detailed 30 – 40 minute consultation. During this visit, I will ask you details about your medical and pregnancy history and perform an examination. This usually involves taking your blood pressure,blood sugar (to deduct gestational diabetes) and examining your lungs, thyroid, heart and abdomen. If you have not had a recent Papsmear or breast examination and ultrasound of your baby, this will be part of the examination. During your pregnancy you will have at least 10 -12 appointments.
Antenatal visits:
- First visit 8-10 weeks
- 4 weekly visits until 28 weeks
- 2 weekly visits until 36 weeks
- Weekly visits until child birth
I may need to see you more frequently based on individual circumstances. Please feel free to bring along your partner or a support person to your antenatal visits. I look forward to meeting them also. Screening Test: First trimester screening: It is done between 11 weeks and 14 weeks of gestation and includes blood tests and an ultrasound examination. Second trimester screening:It is done 15 and 20 weeks of gestation. NIPT Test (Non Invasive Prenatal Testing).